The MAS Tarbiya department is responsible for developing the MAS community, giving them the tools and knowledge to develop, and help others around them grow. “Tarbiya” is an Arabic word that linguistically means increase, growth, and refinement; and religiously it refers to the process of educating, nurturing, and developing individuals, groups, and societies. Tarbiya is a continuous positive influence that leads to growth in all aspects intellectual, spiritual, and physical and the development of skills, talent, and abilities. The Tarbiya process goes beyond the level of individuals to the level of the group, trying to establish the elements of team spirit that Islam teaches such as love, brotherhood, and mutual trust.

Approach with Youth  "A Safe Enriching Environment" 

Approach with Adults "Purification & Perfection" 

How Do We Achieve It? 

1. Diversity of Programs: catering to our diverse communities different age groups, needs, and understanding and experience levels.

2. Connection with the Community: through the interconnectedness of community arise both wonderful experience and challenges. The Tarbiya and executive team strive to provide these opportunities and provide scaffolding to help foster healthy community and ensure positive growth through the bitter and the sweet.

3.  Service Initiatives: The Prophet (SAW) said, “The one who serves a people is their master.” As an integral process of spirituality, we challenge ourselve to come together as a community and intentionally put ourselves in situations outside of our comfort zones and deepen our self-knowledge.

4. Mentor-Menteer Engagement: striving to emulate the Prophet (SAW)’s one-on-one direct mentorship of the Sahaba, we pair community members who are interested and looking for a deeper investment with someone who’s had their religious knowledge tested and character approved by the Tarbiya Team. Through this engagement there’s a symbiotic life-changing benefit for both parties, the one serving and the one being served.

Are you a MAS member & looking to join an Usra?

The Muslim American Society (MAS DC) Tarbiya Department offers its members a specialized Usra-Study Circle- Program with a chance to build brotherhood/sisterhood, work on personal development, and network with a national organization. Due to limited resources, space is limited and it may take up to 3 months for placement.